Supporting the Ministry Financially

Thank you so much for your generosity in partnering with us as we seek to reach the people of Brazil for Christ through church planting and leadership training.

The mission recommends our monthly support to be $5,310.43. This includes our basic salary, health insurance, travel expenses, ministry budget, and retirement.

There are three ways to support us financially:
  1. You can mail a check to the following address:
    Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission
    P.O. Box 355
    Springfield, IL 62705
    (Please note that for tax-deductible giving, you need to leave the memo-line blank. However, you may enclose a letter or note indicating Mark & Jess Stucky as the desired recipients)
  2. You can set up an Electronic Fund Transfer by either calling the Home Office at 217-523-7176, or you can download the form here.
  3. You can use your credit card by clicking here.
If you have any questions regarding donations, please visit the BGFM Donations page, or contact the BGFM home office at 217-523-7176. 

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