Monday, October 12, 2015


Typing this in the rain, it's really hard to believe that this was our view just over a week ago!

BGFM hosts an anual missions conference for the missionaries down here. This year, it was hosted it Pacoti, CE in the nordeste (northeast) of Brazil. Mark is a native nordestino so we added some additional days to our trip in order to visit Fortaleza.

Let me be the first to tell you, this California girl did not know she missed the sunshine and beach! But, I sure did!

Here are a couple of things I noticed from our trip:

1. The sun burns hotter
Or at least, you get sunburn much easier! I had every intention of getting a sunburn because we moved from winter to winter this year. But, I did not expect it to happen as quickly as it did. I spent probably 2 hours total over the course of 1 day in the sun (with sunscreen on!) and I still managed to get a pretty bad burn. Thankfully, it turned tan after 3 days and didn't peel. I do not miss peeling sunburns...

2. 6 to 6
Since we were so close to the equator, the days don't vary in lengths as much as they do in California (or down here in South Brazil). The sun is bright and shining at 6am and it's set by 6pm - every day! I guess when you get 365 days of near-perfect beachy weather you don't need those long summer days to enjoy it. (Oh, and it was different to not watch the sun set over the ocean! I forgot we're now living on the east coast!)

3. It's good to try new things...even if they are slimy
Mark insisted that I try two of his favorite fruits while we were there - coconut and ata. After sharing the coconut water, Mark had the coconut split open so we could taste the inside. Mark was excited to hear my thoughts -  but all I could say was, "It's a little slimy," and not ask for seconds (more for him, right?!). I guess the coconut flakes you buy in the US are dehydrated, so I had a different texture in mind. Oh well!

4. Some things don't change...
Even though we were thousands of kilometers away from what I've known of Brazil, I could count on the friendliness and hospitality. It is such a cool aspect of the Brazilian culture - everyone is so warm and friendly (haha... I did not intend to make that word-play, cool-warm... I must be tired!).

Our trip was especially exciting because Samuel decided to take his first solo steps! He had been standing upright and propping himself up against things or shuffling along things for nearly 3 months. It was so fun to see him get up the courage to just go for it! And, he hasn't stopped. :) I'm sure he'll be running in no time!

Visiting Mark's childhood home was an unexpected treat - not only were the
new owners home, but Mark's parents knew them! We had fun seeing what
it looks like now. 
Th front of Mark's old house

Cashew nuts fresh from the tree and ready to be roasted

Large cashew and mango trees
Luke's & Mark's names in the cement on the patio

One of Samuel's happiest moments, sitting with Grandpa & Grandma
enjoying an endless supply of ice-cream! 

Ready for the beach
First time at the Atlantic Ocean

It took awhile for him to not be afraid of the waves

fishing boats brought in before sunset

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